Thursday, 15 May 2014

First Weigh in!

Hey Everyone,

So I know it's been a while. I travelled in Canada a lot this month and with school things have been hectic. I had my first weigh in today and it was great! The doctor was AMAZING! I can't remember her name right now (i'll get it later) but she was so happy, informative, and encouraging. So here are my stats:

Starting Weight: 187.5 lbs
Current Weight: 181.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140.0 lbs
Current BMI: 30.6
Goal BMI: 22-25
Current Fat Mass: 41.6%
Goal Fat Mass: 30.0%

So I will say I had some ruff patches and some great times. Its definitely a lifestyle anyone can take on. You never have to feel hungry and you actually lose FAT from this. My only real hiccup was learning how to make more meat dishes. For the first time in my life I made ribs!! Next week I will be making bbq chicken and meatballs! I found awesome sauces at the Dr. Poon grocery store that will work well as substitutes. They have less sugar and no preservative. This is awesome because with all my food allergies I don't have to worry about eating things that will make me sick. Most of the product are clear of all those horrible additives and unhealthy ingredients.


Well this week Aunty flow came and the cravings are real! We're allowed to drink Diet coke and they do have some chocolate Dr. Poon approved snack bars and cookies so THANK YOU LORD! But the challenge was eating the allowed amount and not the whole box, LOL. I did fail a few times and got discouraged, but thankfully I'm linked into the Facebook group and they helped me a lot because a lot of women go through it as well. I will just learn to manage it by drinking more and filling up on more meats and veggies.


Out of the 6.5 lbs i lost 5 of them were fat! That is amazing. A lot of people lose mostly water in the first 2 weeks, so the fact that I lost majority fat I was so happy! I start my T25 this weekend so I'm hoping by my next weigh in the fat number will be higher!

I will try to post more recipes for you all! Till next time...

Grace + Peace

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